

plantar fasciitis graphic
shockwave therapy procedure


The main symptom is sharp pain and stiffness on the bottom of your heel, usually after prolonged rest or activity. However, you may also experience foot burning, tingling, and pain when flexing. Limping is possible as well.

The discomfort is usually worst in the morning, starting right after getting off the bed, and becomes a nagging pain throughout the whole day. Some people may have heel spurs or suffer no symptoms at all. Patients who suffer from this condition are advised to seek plantar fasciitis treatment as soon as possible to avoid increasing pain and daily inconvenience.


在HC Orthopaedic中,我们将了解病人的病历、X光和体格检查以排除足跟疼痛的其他原因,如应力性骨折、疼痛或神经卡压。



  1. 非手术治疗
    1. 保护性鞋垫,消炎药,伸展运动
    2. 注射抗炎药物(H&L)
    3. 注射富血小板血浆(PRP)
    4. ESWT(体外冲击波疗法)
  2. 手术
    1.  射频消融
    2. 切除

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