
拇指外翻是指大拇趾(第一跖骨指关节)的向外偏离,通常与由于过度拥挤而导致的第二趾关节的重叠相关。 由于摩擦和压力,内部方面通常会变得非常突出,常常发炎和疼痛(拇囊炎)。

hallux valgus pic
feet xray


Bunion (Hallux valgus) is not an isolated problem of the 1st big toe, but a complex deformity involving the entire forefoot as a result of muscle imbalances. So patients will notice a change in the shape of the foot with a marked outward deviation of the big toe and over-riding 2nd toe. As a result of the deformities, patients will usually develop painful pressure points over the inner aspect of the big toe joint, on top of the 2nd toe as well as pain under the ball of the 2nd toe. Patients will also find it difficult to wear shoes and walk due to the widening of the forefoot and the painful bunion.


在HC Orthopaedic中,我们将了解病人的病历、照足部X光和体格检查以充分评估足部疼痛和畸形的原因。我们将根据足部畸形的严重程度和患者的独特需求量身定制治疗方案。

Hallux valgus injection



  1. 非手术治疗
    • 消炎药物
    • 矫正鞋垫,拇趾外翻夹板
  2. 手术
    • 矫正拇外翻,前足重建,切除拇囊炎

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